Scott Slusser dot com
America Needs a Renaissance
Item 39 reborn

Rather than talk about what isn’t. Let me tell you what it is.

During an all to recent episode of life that found my grandmother in the hospital 5 months shy of her 95th birthday, I found myself in one of those states of mind that is most akin to molting. Over the years I have come to recognize this state and have tried to usher in changes in life that I would like to see.

I have a cousin that, even though I am older, I look up to. He is one of the smartest dudes I know. He sparked up a renewed interest in web building.

I mean, I do this all the time for fun, or just to learn some new code trick.

My current projects are:

  • – This site. I post code snippets that I have written to do this and that.
  • – A list of Farmers Markets across the country queried from live data from the USDA
  • – Stemmed out of a text conversation with the same cousin. I took it as a challenge to figure out how to data mine Google. As well as write a WP theme from scratch.
  • – A side business in the real world. Installing epoxy floors. This is the business site.
  • – In the works: Trying to get a one stop place for all of the theatre in the area. Link out for tickets. I need to write code that will pull this data automatically. It was a manual task and it was tedious. Perhaps I need to hire it out.
  • Owl & Crow Publishing – Seeing what all the fuss is about in the low-content self-publishing market
  • PhotoMobo – I just dismantled this site. I am not sure what I am going to do with it.
  • The Fiat 850 Project – Alas, I do not have this car any longer but I can’t seem to part with the site.
  • – This site was part of a challenge that a couple of co-workers and I engaged in. Not particularly proud of it, but not ashamed either.
  • The Swarm Syndicate – This is the fledgling idea of some POD products sold on Etsy. At this point I have sold 2 products.
  • The Vehicular Project – A bare bones experiment in very low quality content. I reposted about it here.
  • – A site to house some music compositions and such. Be kind. This site needs to be redone, well, they all do, but this one for real.
  • – An online telescope retailer

Projects in the back of my mind:

  • An online retailer of cycling kit
  • A site that finds current free kindle book on Amazon
  • desktop pattern by AI download site
  • a disc golf online retailer
  • a weight loss app idea that gamifies and peer pressures
  • A couple of 3d printed product ideas

Man, when I type them all out, it seems excessive. Maybe it is …

So the idea is to start small. Building a site on spec so to speak. Keeping an eye on a recurring monthly or quarterly pay structure. I have targeted some local businesses whose websites suck.

Which brings me back to Item39. This name is just one that has stuck around for a very long time. As long ago as @wurks, which I know doesn’t mean much to anyone but me. So, it will be reborn into a web developer / SMMA / marketing firm.

I think sometimes that I should stop chasing after dreams. They seem to be too elusive to catch. It is easy to become frustrated and aggravated. I have essentially taken the last year off from chasing those hard to catch, shiny, and seductive sirens. As we ease into winter and I must resign myself to the indoors more than I would want, I find myself hearing the call again.

This time I am going to try to do things for the sake of the things. Do the things because I like doing the things. The outcome won’t be any more, or less, likely to be the same. But, at least I will enjoy the process.

This is my corner of the Internet. I keep things here that I like. I try out things. I display things. I share things.


Local Farmers Market

Michiana Theatre Guide

Michiana Epoxy


Get Free Mobi

Gente Veloce

My Hotel Hunter

Owl & Crow Publishing


Selling Songs

The Fiat 850 Project

The State of AI

The Vehicular Project

The Swarm Syndicate