Scott Slusser dot com
America Needs a Renaissance
I’ll Make This Car Fly

I’ll Make This Car Fly

This is a recent post I made over on PhotoMobo. I love old cars. Read the whole post HERE to and see what went into the making of his image. Posted with Blogsy


Introducing a new site dedicated to the art we can make on our mobile devices.
Crystals on my Sunroof

Crystals on my Sunroof

I was waiting for my Son to come out from one of his many social engagements and opened the sunroof cover up and saw this crystal structure on the glass above me. This photo is taken with Hipstamatic App on my new iPhone 4S. Though this picture doesn’t show it,...


On a trip to Chicago in a private jet I was in the back of the plane shooting some pictures out of the window. The jet hit some turbulence just as I snapped. The picture has a soft eeriness to it that I really like. I have an affinity for abstracts. Here are some more...
Above the office

Above the office

Above the Goshen, IN office of the newspaper I work for is a derelict group of apartments that likely have not been occupied for 40-50 years. The side with windows to the street is light and relatively uncluttered. The other side, without windows is dark, scary and...