Scott Slusser dot com
America Needs a Renaissance
Good Mind
A teacher growing green in the South Bronx

A teacher growing green in the South Bronx

Uploaded on Jan 30, 2012 Stephen Ritz is a South Bronx teacher/administrator.  With the help of extended student and community family they have grown over 25,000 pounds of...

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Changing Google Maps

Changing Google Maps

I work in Milford, IN. I grew up not far from here and spent time with my father and brother fishing in Waubee Lake. My in-laws live an Waubee Lake and my son and daughter have grown up around it. Why does this matter? Well, until today, if you had gone to Google Maps...

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There is not much I am going to say that hasn't already been said. Have you contacted your Congress People? You really should. Don't know who they are? Seriously? Go to Who is My Representative and put in your zip code. Now, copy and paste the letter below...

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A Radical Experiment in Empathy

A Radical Experiment in Empathy I am a TED junkie. The talks I hear and see on the TED Podcast inspire me. They make me think, cringe and laugh. Sometimes they make me proud to be human and other times not so much. The slogan at TED is "Ideas worth...

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Student Loan Scheme

Student Loan Scheme

    This graphic from and has a very good explanation of what is fundamentally wrong with the student loan program as it exists today and how it got there. Click on the image to get the full sized version which is much easier...

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This is my corner of the Internet. I keep things here that I like. I try out things. I display things. I share things.


Local Farmers Market

Michiana Theatre Guide

Michiana Epoxy


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Gente Veloce

My Hotel Hunter

Owl & Crow Publishing


Selling Songs

The Fiat 850 Project

The State of AI

The Vehicular Project

The Swarm Syndicate